Carlocktography aims to provide competitive rates for all services offered. As the business interests of Carlocktography are always evolving, the below Services and Rates should not be considered exhaustive. Please reach out to Carlocktography via E-Mail with any questions.

Flat Fees & Minimums

Carlocktography will assess the following flat fees, minimums, and add-on charges for all jobs.

Fee Rate
Deployment - Minimum Fee $100
Drive Mileage (>10mi) IRS Standard Mileage Rate
Drive Time (>20min) $60/hr
Remote - Minimum Fee $50

GIS/RS Services

Service Rate
GIS Data Analysis - Proprietary $150/hr
GIS Data Analysis - Standards-Compliant $125/hr
GIS Data Conversion - Proprietary $75/file
GIS Data Conversion - Standards-Compliant $50/file
GIS Data Quality Check - Proprietary $125/hr
GIS Data Quality Check - Standards-Compliant $100/hr
GPS Data Collection - Standard (5m nominal) $50/hr
GPS Data Collection - PPK (1.5m nominal) $75/hr
GPS Data Collection - RTK (<1m nominal) $100/hr
Photogrammetry Data Collection - 12MP $100/hr
Photogrammetry Data Collection - 24MP $125/hr

IT Services

Service Rate
Data Backup & Transfer $100/hr
File Format Conversion - Proprietary $25/file
File Format Conversion - Standards-Compliant $20/file
Infrastructure - Wired $100/hr
Infrastructure - Wireless $150/hr
System Diagnosis/Troubleshoot $100/machine
System Repair - Data Recovery $1,000/drive
System Repair - OS $125/hr
System Upgrade - Hardware $50/hr
System Upgrade - OS $250/machine
System Upgrade - Software $75/hr
Training - Individual $100/hr
Training - Group $200/hr

sUAS Services

Service Rate
Data Collection - Infrared $125/hr
Data Collection - Multispectral $150/hr
Data Collection - Visible $100/hr
Ground Control Points See GIS/RS Table
Flight Planning - Non-Waiver $100/hr
Flight Planning - Waiver $200/hr
Processing - DEM Products $250
Processing - Full $500
Processing - Orthophoto $250
Processing - Point Cloud $250
Processing - Report $100
Processing - Textured Model $250